Author: helpfulw

June 20, 2017

There was a meeting of the Newington Commissioners on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.

PRESENT: Commissioner Steven Prefontaine, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Commissioner Kenneth Latchaw, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Diana St. Laurent and resident Meredith Hoyt.



Chairman Prefontaine called the meeting to order at 4:05.


Commission Business

The purpose of this meeting was to appoint the best applicant to the Captain’s position here in the department. The Commissioners, along with Chief Bilodeau, had previously reviewed the results of the oral board and chose 3 candidates to be interviewed by the Commissioners. The interviews were conducted on June 15 and, after a discussion, the Commissioners agreed that Patrol Sergeant Michael Sullivan was the best candidate for the position.

On a MOTION by Chairman Steve Prefontaine and seconded by Commissioner Kenneth Latchaw, the Commissioners voted unanimously to appoint Michael P. Sullivan Captain, effective immediately.

On a MOTION by Chairman Prefontaine and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to start Sullivan at Step 5 of the Captain’s pay scale.

The appointment to Captain was signed by the Commissioners and the Oath of Office was ministered to Sgt. Sullivan by Chief Bilodeau.


Other Business

The Chief told the Commissioners that he will prepare a formal appointment ceremony for Captain Sullivan in August where his family and other members can be present and a photo session done.

The Chief told the Commissioners that he will be advertising to fill the two vacant patrol officer positions created by the retirement of Officer John Garvin in August 2017 and the change from full-time Captain to part-time Prosecutor of Brian Newcomer. The Chief said that the qualifying candidates will go through the oral board consisting of personnel from the department, perhaps a Newington citizen and perhaps an officer(s) from another local police department. The Chief said the final candidates will be subject to all the necessary hiring procedures such as physical agility testing, polygraph, psychological, background, etc.

The Chief also told the Commissioners that he is working within the department to fill the position of Patrol Sergeant now open with the promotion of Sgt. Sullivan to Captain.



On a MOTION by Chairman Prefontaine and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted to adjourn at 4:27 p.m.

For Kenneth Latchaw, Secretary by Diana St. Laurent

June 6, 2017


There was a meeting of the Newington Commissioners on Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.

PRESENT: Chairman Steve Prefontaine, Commissioner Kenneth Latchaw, Commissioner Jack Hoyt, Chief Michael Biloeau and Diana St.Laurent.



Chairman Prefontaine called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.



A. Accept Minutes – On a MOTION by Commissioner Latchaw and seconded by Commissioner Prefontaine, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the May 9, 2017 meeting as written.

B. Non-Public Minutes – The minutes were previously signed and sealed as written.



A. Staff Update – Commissioner Prefontaine asked the Chief how Officer Tim Gordon is doing. The Chief said that he is on midnights with Officer Appelbaum as his FTO until he attends the NHPS&TC at the end of August.

B. Other Police Commission Business –

1. The Commissioners reviewed and initialed the purchase order file.

2. The Commissioners reviewed the current 2017 budget print out – The Chief told the Commissioners that he has sent the application for the DOJ grant for the vests.

There was a discussion about the funding for CALEA; the Chief discussed the processes that can be started in 2017 and the actual funding can be put in the 2018 budget. Commissioner Latchaw suggested that it would be good PR for the Chief to put articles in the Newington newsletter to keep the residents informed of what is being planned for the police department.

3. Funding for the department website – Mrs. St.Laurent told the Commissioners that First Light, formerly Oxford Networks, formerly Bay Ring Communications has notified her that they will no longer host the department website. The website will be removed by August and the files will all be lost if we do not move the website. Mrs. St. Laurent explained that 17 years ago, when she built the website, she used FrontPage 2000 software and now Microsoft no longer supports that particular software. She asked the Commissioners to have the website done professionally and brought into the 20th century with the new technology. Mrs. St. Laurent said that she has received one estimate for $3,750. Commissioner Prefontaine said that he will have Helpful Website contact me for another estimate.



A. Policy Revisions – The Chief told the Commissioners that he updated the SOP for DUI arrests. The Chief said he did some research through the DOJ and National Institute on Justice regarding overtime. The Chief said that officers are allowed to work 16 hours of straight overtime without any issues so he updated our SOP to reflect the change from 12 hours to 16 hours.

B. Speed Limit on Nimble Hill Road – The Chief said he contacted the DOT and was told that the town has governance over the town road to change the speed limit. They will need to do a traffic survey, the town engineer has to measure the roadway and basically it lies on the Selectmen to handle the issue. The Police Department has nothing to do with changing the speed limit. The Chief said he will contact the Town Hall.



A. Increase in Detail Pay – The Chief said that Newington has one of the lowest rates for details here in the Seacoast. The Chief recommended that the rate be increased from $40.00 to $50.00. On a MOTION by Commissioners Prefontaine and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to increase the detail rate to $50.00 an hour, effective immediately.

B. IACP Training for Chief – The Chief said that it is part of his contract to go to training and he would like to attend the four-day IACP training in Philadelphia this year. The Chief said he will get back to the Commissioners with the cost. The Chief said he is hoping to send the Captain next year, the Sergeant the following year and then the supervisory personnel the year after that. The Chief said he expects the training budget to be higher next year because he has plans for training for the officers.

C. Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3 II(c) Personnel Matter – On a MOTION by Commissioner Prefontaine and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, on a roll-call vote of 3-0, the Commissioners went into Non-public Session at 4:50 p.m.

On a MOTION by Commissioner Latchaw and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, on a roll-call vote of 3-0, the Commissioners came out of non-public session at 5:28 p.m.

There were no motions or votes taken in non-public session.

On a MOTION by Commissioner Prefontaine and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, on a roll-call vote of 3-0, the Commissioners voted to seal the non-public minutes indefinitely.

The Commissioners will interview the 3 candidates for the Captain’s position at the Newington Police Department on Thursday, June 15, 2017 starting at 2:00 p.m.



The next Commissioners meeting is scheduled for August 1, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. at the Newington Police Department. There is no meeting scheduled in July.



On a MOTION by Commissioner Latchaw and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:28 p.m.

For Kenneth Latchaw, Secretary by Diana St. Laurent

May 2, 2017



There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.

PRESENT: Commissioner Kenneth Latchaw, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Commissioner Steve Prefontaine, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Patrol Sergeant Michael Sullivan, and Administrative Assistant Diana St. Laurent.



Chairman Prefontaine called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m.



On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Latchaw, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the April 3, 2017 meeting as written.

There were no other minutes.



A. Staff Update – The Chief told the Commissioners that Officer Andrew Wood is attending the NH Police Standards & Training Council Academy in Concord. The Chief said that Officer Gordon got back to the States a few days ago and he will be on 28 days of earned leave from the military. He is still under active orders but is expected to be back to the department by June 1, 2017.

B. Other Police Commission Business –

1. Purchase Order Review – The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file.

2. Walmart Grant – The Chief told the Commissioners that the police department has been given a $1,000 grant from Walmart. The Chief said he is in the process of finishing the grant paperwork. The Chief said that the money will be used to update the crime scene equipment, fingerprint gear, casting for footprints and whatever else needs updating. Any money left over will be used for equipment for the cruisers.

3. Donation – The Chief told the Commissioners that town resident, Russell Jepperson, donated $2,500 to the police department. The Chief said he would like the money to be put towards the cost of the new ballistic vests. The Chief said that he will do a letter, for the Commissioners to sign, thanking Mr. Jepperson for his donation.



Commissioner Latchaw asked the Chief if the vests have been ordered and the Chief told him that have been.

Sgt. Sullivan told the Commissioners that patrol is running smoothly; the officers are busy doing motor vehicle work; Officers Smart and Appelbaum are getting involved in the drug work; later this month, Officer Appelbaum will be attending horizontal gaze and nystagmus training and Officer Smart will be attending expandable baton training.



A. No new business.

B. Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3 II(c) Personnel Matter

On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Latchaw, on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners went into non-public session at 4:32 p.m.

On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Latchaw, on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners came out of non-public session at 5:02 p.m.

On a MOTION by Commissioner Prefontaine and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners voted to seal the non-public minutes indefinitely.

There were no other decisions or motions made during non-public session.



The next meeting of the Newington Commissioners is scheduled for Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.



On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Prefontaine, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:05 p.m.

For Kenneth Latchaw, Secretary by Diana St. Laurent